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- Luedke, Travis
The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series) Page 8
The Nightlife: Las Vegas (The Nightlife Series) Read online
Page 8
Kramer wheezed as he regained his feet. “I’m sorry … huh … please accept my apologies. I was in the wrong.”
Michelle helped him to his feet. “Yes that was very rude, but we accept your apology. Of course, there will be no further problème with security? Oui?”
She played mediator to diffuse the situation. Kramer had enough power and authority to cause them serious problems. A little diplomacy goes a long way to avoiding the attention of the authorities.
Aaron followed Kramer’s straight-line logic as he perceived the fact that Michelle could unleash her dog on him, at any moment. He assumed Aaron was the hired muscle to her little game. Kramer decided to play nice, for now.
“Yes, yes, this was all a mistake. Really, I’d like to make it up to you. Would you accept my invitation to a VIP party tomorrow night? All our VIP clients will be there. It’s a great chance to network. I can introduce you to some very wealthy and influential people.” He glanced at Aaron over Michelle’s shoulder with a healthy look of fear.
You should be very afraid. He fought hard against the predator’s urge to tear into Kramer with claws and teeth. The predator very much wanted the feel of Kramer’s shredded corpse in its hands. The only thing standing between Kramer and certain death was Michelle.
Michelle smiled at Kramer, sending a powerful zing down the psychic line. “We should have sympathy for him.” She saw him as a victim. The cattle were too easily seduced.
“We leave tonight!” He blasted back at her.
“Non! I have the situation under control! He will be useful. Kramer deals in the currency of influence.”
Aaron knew she ignored her own instincts to decline Kramer’s invitation. She felt it wiser to placate Kramer to avoid problems and gain favor.
“Oui, that would be very nice. You can send the invitation to our room, merci beaucoup! There are no more problèmes, non?”
Kramer seized on the moment, “Of course not. As a matter of fact I’ll see to it personally your room is complimentary for the rest of your stay. It’s the least I can do.”
Aaron wanted out of the hotel now, right this very moment. He didn’t like the idea of this creep watching their every move. Michelle caught his emotional spike of displeasure and sent back a psychic flash. “It is finished. We go now.”
“Tres magnifique! And now we must be off. Au revoir!” She pecked Kramer on the cheek platonically and then turned and snatched Aaron’s arm to pull him down the hallway with Ana scrambling to catch up. Aaron hauled Ana up tight. She did a double-step-hop to keep up. The Samoan wouldn’t look any of them in the eyes. Aaron caught a taste of his humiliation bleeding through the pain of his injury. The Samoan fully expected to be fired shortly.
In the elevator Michelle faced his scowl. “We could not leave the situation without resolution. Kramer would have brought the police. This is unacceptable. N‘est-ce pas?” Is it not so?
He nodded, but added, “Un hunh, and if you had listened to me before, we wouldn’t be in this situation, Oui?” He mocked her cute little accent with his curt reply.
Ana giggled at his parody, pecking him on the cheek.
“Oui mon amour.” Michelle agreed with a look that begged forgiveness. “C’est la vie!” Such is life, or in this case shit happens.
She hugged him, kissing his other cheek opposite of Ana. They made an Aaron sandwich, both of them conquering his foul mood with their infectious charms. He could hardly stay irritated with all this going on. He warmed to their allure, allowing his tension to flow out into their warm embraces.
“Come, I’m still hungry. I know a good night club.” Michelle licked her lips in anticipation. She usually tagged several victims a night. He couldn’t argue with her logic. The desert environment left him feeling especially parched. The threesome exited Caesar’s Palace to explore the Las Vegas nightlife.
* * * *
Chapter 12
They arrived at the Flamingo around 1:00 a.m. The line outside the club stretched out like a massive snake, weaving past bushes and landscaping to a length of over a hundred feet.
Anastasia lamented, “Oh gaaad, I hate this! Why don’t we go somewhere else that’s not so packed? We’re gonna be here for an hour waiting to get in the door, it’s ridiculous!” She rolled her eyes and slumped her shoulders with a look of disgust.
Aaron kissed her into silence and whispered into her ear seductively, his lips brushing her ear lobe. “Watch, listen and learn.”
Michelle spoke to the valet parking attendant standing nearby the massive lineup. She rubbed her breasts all over his arm, brushing against him while she captured his soul with her eyes. The poor boy never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Seduced in seconds, he’d probably open up a vein for her right there if she asked. Fortunately, her simple request didn’t require bloodletting.
“Bonjour, would you be so kind as to do me a small favor?” He nodded with the slack-jawed smile of an idiot. “I would like to speak with the manager Kino. Tell him we were sent by Mr. Kramer from the Caesar’s Palace.” She stroked the man’s arm smiling sweetly.
He stammered, “Oh yes, right away. I’ll take care of it immediately!”
She squeezed his arm and pecked him on the cheek. “Merci beaucoup.” He took off jogging into the club.
Ana and Michelle looked absolutely fabulous, dressed in top form. A cream short sleeve top hung loosely about Ana’s hips complementing black, skin-tight boy shorts. Michelle wore a purple see-through top––no bra of course––and a black skirt that barely covered her ass cheeks, very little left to the imagination. Both women displayed yards of smooth white legs accentuated by provocative curves.
Scanning the crowd in line, Aaron caught blatant gawking stares. The men in line salivated over his arm candy. They would’ve given their left nut to be standing in his place. Although he wore only simple black slacks and a red dress shirt, he held everyone’s attention via the company he kept.
Michelle’s name dropping routine produced results. A stout Hispanic with the standard issue Latino fade haircut and mandatory chin strap facial hair came out the side door and ushered the threesome into the club discreetly.
Michelle greeted him warmly, pouring on the charm to cement their VIP status, “Bonjour and good evening. You must be monsieur Kino? Oui?”
She shook his hand and rubbed her perky nipples on his chest and arm as she kissed his cheek. Old-school European etiquette, but for her it doubled as a form of seduction. Her see-through top had the anticipated effect of mesmerizing both Kino and all other men in her vicinity, a howling beacon for testosterone.
Kino smiled wide, “You got da right man. Any friend of Kramer’s is a friend of mine.” His teeth were blinding white as he grinned at Michelle––obviously bleached. She had snatched his soul already. She could teach classes on how to seduce a man in 10 seconds or less.
“My name is Michelle, and these are my friends Aaron and Anastasia, we appreciate your help very much, merci beaucoup!”
Aaron and Ana shook hands with Kino who moved a little too close to Ana, rubbing up on her with the greeting. After a moment of admiration Kino led them to a VIP table for four and excused himself. “I’ll be sure to catch up with you later.” He looked right at both girls with the veiled statement. “If you need anything give a holla at the bartender or one of the waitresses.”
They hit the bar immediately, the gypsy princess needed a drink. Ana ordered Patron tequila with Squirt and lime.
“She’ll have an orange juice to go with it.” Aaron modified her bar order. He answered Ana’s squint, “You need to replenish lost fluids.”
Michelle took off for the dance floor on her own, impatient to begin the hunt. A tall massive ‘linebacker’ picked her off right away.
While Ana downed her liquor like nothing, ordering another right behind it, Aaron explained, “We need to feed from at least two to three people a night. Small nips, just a few seconds of contact. I can’t rely on you alone. You won’t last very
long trying to keep up with my needs.”
“You mean you’re going to do it to these other women? What you do to me?” Her accusatory eyes bored into him. He read her instantaneous visceral jealousy.
“But its so … intimate. I want you to feed from me. Now.” He read her pain as her heart twisted into a tight knot. Feeding was such an intimate act. The idea of him doing it with another woman seemed a whole lot like cheating.
“Ana, you know that I love you very much? You know you’re mine till the end of your days, and nothing will ever change that?”
He held her face, her eyes entrapped in his power. He willed her to understand.
“The others are just flesh, nothing more. They don’t matter. They are not you. You’re the only one coming home with us tonight.”
She nodded, all sad puppy dog eyes. “Okay. If you say so.” The hint of unshed tears glistened in her eyes.
She was so damn adorable. He wanted to bend her over the bar till she screamed his name, forgetting all about these unpleasant realities. But he needed to feed, and Michelle was going at it. He hated being left behind.
“I want you to be with me for as long as possible. If I drink from you constantly, you’re not gonna last a week. You understand, don’t you?”
* * * *
Anastasia had always known deep down he could never truly be hers alone. It wasn’t possible to claim ownership of such a proud and majestic creature. He stole her sadness with a small nip in the neck, sinking his fangs in just enough for a small touch of venom. Enough to let her know she was still his, marked for life.
He escorted her onto the dance floor whispering, “Come hunt with me, we’ll do it together. They are all so drunk it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.”
She danced in his arms for a time, feeling all that caged power wrapped around her. He wasn’t a large man, but his arms held and unbelievable strength. She imagined doing this every night. How wonderful it would be to dance her life away in his arms, lights flashing, music pounding.
Her dreamy moment came to a close as they worked their way inside a group of women dancing together in a cluster of protective shielding. She looked around to notice Aaron was the only man in the whole bunch. The men dancing nearby attempted to work their way into the mix with the girls, but were artfully deflected. Her and Aaron had slipped into their circle without resistance.
“That one.” He nodded towards a cute blond in tight jeans and a white top. Aaron ushered them over and they made a neat little sandwich of the girl. Aaron squeezed her front and Ana her back. They undulated to the music while Aaron captured her eyes. It only took a few seconds to mesmerize the girl. He leaned in and fed deeply, sucking down all he could take. Ana decided to have her own fun, reaching her hand up between the woman’s legs to rub and stroke her moist hot mound, feeling the contour of her sex through her jeans.
“Oh my god what are you doing to me? Oh god don’t … don’t stop!”
The girl spasmed and jerked while they rode her, grinding along with the music while she orgasmed right there on the dance floor. By the time he let go, she was dry-humping on Ana’s hand.
They held her for a time, allowing her to regain equilibrium. The blond kept her head down, wouldn’t look either of them in the eyes.
Ana whispered in her ear from behind, “It’s okay. He does it to me all the time.”
After catching her breath she exited quickly to the bathroom to clean up.
Aaron resumed dancing with Ana, cupping her face in his hands. “See, I told you it wouldn’t be so bad. Admit it. You’re having fun with this.”
She nodded and smiled wide. Aaron looked off in Michelle’s direction.
“Look at her go. That’s number four.”
Michelle had wrapped intimately around another football player type, a large swarthy man with dark curls of hair and bulging muscles. She liked her donors healthy. She drank from his neck pulling him down into her embrace.
Smiling down at Ana, Aaron twirled off into the dance-floor looking for a new target. “Let’s catch up to her.”
A few seconds later Ana recognized a man, her latest stalker, ex-boyfriend Roger. Oh shit, shit shit shit! She twisted around to steer Aaron the opposite direction.
She yelled up against his ear, “That tall blond guy with the black T-shirt and khaki pants, I don’t want to talk to him. We dated for a couple weeks. He’s a total creep!”
She hugged Aaron close and ducked her head into his rock solid chest. All that strength and power there just under the skin. He would protect her. He had promised. She tried her best to hide behind him. After a moment of playing ostrich, curiosity got the best of her. She peeked over Aaron’s shoulder. Roger looked in her direction with a squint of recognition and surprise. As he spotted her, he immediately headed towards them.
“Oh shit!” She pulled hard on Aaron trying to drag him away.
He went rigid, halting her flight as he shook his head. “We’re gonna deal with this here and now.”
As he spoke, Roger arrived. He grabbed her by the arm. “Ana, where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling you! You haven’t been home for two days!”
She looked to Aaron, hoping for understanding and forgiveness, but mostly for protection. She clung to him as the creep tugged on her arm. She yelled back over the music, “I told you to stop calling me! Leave me alone!” She rolled her eyes in disgust. “I don’t want anything to do with you!”
* * * *
Anastasia turned to Aaron, begging with her eyes, “I broke up with him days ago, honestly!”
That’s when he caught a glimpse of the truth in her mind. The bruises on her arms the guy left her the night they broke up. Much like he was doing right now with his punishing grip on her.
Aaron had seen and heard more than enough. His possessive instincts raged, the predator rattled the cage to be let loose.
The fool made the situation worse by opening his mouth. “Why didn’t you answer my calls? And who the fuck is this?”
Aaron stepped up, his gaze and mind boring into the man. Roger. Roger liked to push his weight around, especially with the women he dated. The predator ripped open the bars to its cage and flooded Aaron with unbridled aggression. He moved in the blink of an eye, snapping out to break Roger’s hold on Ana. He shoved her behind him, creating a protective wall of his own body.
Roger shook his hand in pain.
He got in Aaron’s face, not the smartest thing to do at the moment. Aaron growled low and menacing. He tried to keep a grip on the inner beast, but it was hard. He and the predator were of the same mind on this, they both wanted Roger’s head on a platter.
He read it all plain and clear in Roger’s mind, a severely unhealthy obsession with Anastasia. But she hadn’t been the first. Roger was a serial stalker. It figures Ana would latch onto a guy like this. Highly confident and arrogant, Roger exuded a false power. He had been stalking Ana for a month straight before he made his move to date her. Ana’s particular pathos was exactly what he looked for.
Ana barked over Aaron’s shoulder, “Roger go home! I don’t want to see you! Its over! I’m here with my fiancé, we’re getting married!” Just a little white lie, but not so far from the truth. Her commitment to Aaron and Michelle was for life, till death do us part. Saying it aloud to discourage Roger didn’t make it any less true.
“What the fuck? She’s with me dude. We’ve been dating for weeks!” Roger protested.
Two weeks.
Roger sneered down at Aaron––he had a couple inches on him. “Let me guess, you just met her yesterday and already she’s telling you how in love she is, how you should get married. How much money has she taken you for?”
Aaron looked over his shoulder to Ana as she gasped. Shock and disbelief flitted across her face followed by denial. She shook her head ‘no’ emphatically.
“You son of a bitch!” She cursed Roger.
Aaron watched her closely, following her reactions. Was it really a strangely w
onderful instant connection forged between them? It had all happened so fast. And they had taken her shopping to the tune of several thousand dollars. Roger’s accusations were a little too close to reality for comfort. Ana’s face twisted in fear.
“No it’s not true. You have to believe me.” She pleaded.
He dug into her mind to get to the truth. The idea that Aaron might think her capable of such a thing cut her deeply with a sickening fear. She feared losing him. He was the most important thing in her entire world. She couldn’t live without him.
Aaron read the truth in both their minds, a very different set of truths. It fired his rage to see Ana’s insecurities exploited so skillfully. Roger was good. He’d been manipulating insecure women for a very long time.
The predator reacted. He whipped out an open-handed bitch slap across Roger’s face, knocking him to the ground.
Roger shook his head to clear away the daze. He never saw it coming. He regained his feet for another lesson. The fool reached around Aaron towards Ana, a glutton for punishment. Aaron reached out to snatch Roger’s groin in an iron grip. His claws cut through the khaki pants, a razor spiked pincer on Roger’s family jewels. He gasped and looked down at Aaron’s hand in terror.
The predator stepped up into Rogers face growling, lips peeled back over fully exposed fangs like an animal. Roger blanched pale white as Aaron’s grip drew blood.
“She’s mine! Don’t touch her!” Aaron squeezed harder. The blood flowed freely down Roger’s legs. Blood and urine.
“You get it yet? Are you feelin me?”
With perfect timing, Kino arrived on scene. “Is there a problem?”
The predator snapped to, pegging Kino with a murderous intensity. Kino stepped back a healthy distance. Remembering himself, Aaron removed his hand from Roger’s crotch. In a flash he’d returned to smiling, happy Aaron. Predator all gone now. He gave Kino a million dollar ‘Crown Prince of Vegas’ smile.
Kino looked back and forth between the two of them. Aaron smiled and glanced at Roger. The guy looked pale and sweaty, a sickly pallor to his skin.